Some Of The Highlights Of The


Hammond A-100, A-101, A-102 and A-105

The A-100 series, a very close relative to the B-3 and C-3




Hammond placed a lot of value on attractive designs at the beginning. It soon turned out that these organs weren’t just placed on high galleries in various churches but also fit in nicely in living rooms, almost becoming a member of the family.

Almost all Hammond models were therefore offered in different variants with different bodies and veneers. This is a small selection of the legendary A-100 series. Technically identical instruments in different designs:


Hammond A-100



This Hammond A-100 which is slightly beveled along its edges comes from the Hammond factory in Copenhagen. It has an extensive back wall, meaning that this model can be placed anywhere in the room.

Other than that, it has a collapsible manual cover, probably to protect it against intruding hands. After all, Pippi Longstocking lived nearby…


Hammond A-101



This Hammond A-101 with straight lines and equally straight front legs comes from the Hammond headquarters in Chicago.

The manual cover has been done away with, and even the back wall only covers the top half to allow the heat from the tube amplifiers to circulate underneath.


Hammond A-102



The slightly curved front legs of this Hammond A-102 are the reason why people somewhat flippantly call it the Dachshund. But that couldn’t prevent this little darling from becoming a howling success.


Hammond A-105



Probably the most powerful A-100 design is the Hammond A-105, as correctly stated on its nameplate. Apart from its integrated speaker cover, this console matches the legendary design of the Hammond C-3.

Rumor has it there's a museum director who's able to sit for hours on end in front of this A-105 and simply enjoy the harmonious appearance of this masterpiece. But that’s likely just a rumor…
