How to find the


The EBOARDMUSEUM is located in the centre of Europe, to be precise in Klagenfurt. Its distance to the legendary lake Woerthersee measures only about four kilometres!

Oh I see - you didn't know: Klagenfurt again is a city in Oesterreich / Austria. Puns about Austria and Australia always are heartily welcomed :-(

In our three dimensional world there are six ways to reach the EBOARDMUSEUM:


From the North see Google maps
From the South see Google maps
From the East see Google maps
From the West see Google maps
From Above
From Below under construction




Parking availibilities at the EBOARDMUSEUM


On a normal day you will be able to find a number of free parking places in front of the EBOARDMUSEUM. From 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. a parking time indicator is needed. It will allow you to stay for free for a maximum of 90 minutes. When you park on the opposite side of the road and use a parking time indicator, no time limit applies.

In an exceptional case, when you do not find a free parking place, please use the neighboring Messe (fair) car park (costs apply, not free).