Some of the highlights of the


Moog Minimoog D

The First Compact and Easily Transportable Synthesizer - Analog, Single-Voice (Monophonic), and a Worldwide Success




What can be said about the Minimoog that hasn’t already been said a thousand times before?

Perhaps the fact that this exhibit in the EBOARDMUSEUMs

is the
world’s first Minimoog D? Even with embarrassingly high stakes under serial number 1001, this eboard would later trigger a hysteria that has lasted to this day. And it’s this hysteria in particular that is absolutely justified!

The team comprising of Bob Moog, Bill Hemsath, and Jim Scott achieved a milestone of design, layout, sound, and above all charm with this synthesizer more or less from scratch. The situation is somewhat comparable to Laurens Hammond, who already had such high expectations with his first Model A in 1934 that it’s simply a world standard today.

The surprising journey of serial number 1001 began in November 1970 in a hotel room in New York City and ended years later in the EBOARDMUSEUM. We’d love to tell you the full story right here in the museum.


Moog Minimoog D

A Short History With Music Samples